ikhaya le langa People - Planet - Profit

Sustainable Smart Streets - Mandela Day



3 min


Blog / Activities

Sustainable smart streets

Sustainable Smart Streets is an ongoing volunteer project aiming to encourage residents of Langa to clean streets and build a greener community. The motto of this project is "Cleaner, Greener, Safer", emphasizing that communally cleaning up streets is the gateway to building safer livelihoods, greener spaces, and more potential for community building during the weekend. The project is currently working on cleaning up Rubusana Street and Bhunga Avenue. Langa is a middle class township full of socially excluded men who have the manpower to clean up the streets and plant gardens. Langa is the most visited township in Cape Town. However, Sustainable Smart Streets understands that tourism can only boost in the community if the streets are cleaner, greener, and safer. We believe that we don't need funding for this to happen; the community has all the power needed to clean up the streets.

By volunteering with Sustainable Smart Streets, residents are able to receive Vollars. Vollars are digital rand that volunteers receive that can go towards purchasing items at Ikhaya le Langa and at New Hope Stand on the corner of N'Dabeni St and Bhunga Ave (coffee, tea, artwork, etc). Volunteers will receive 20 ZAR per hour of volunteering. Join us on any Saturday or Sunday by contacting Phatiswa Esterhuizen at 061 415 6034.

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